Book The Top Corporate Comedians and Funny Keynote Speakers for Corporate and Industry Events. Clean and Affordable Stand-up Comics for your Company or Conference.
The Ivy League of Comedysm— America’s top clean stand-up comedians— ensures that your in-person or virtual entertainment for your conference or event goes perfectly. Some Testimonials

Clients love our comedians & praise our professionalism, on & off stage. Also great for your seminar, trade show or exposition. Advice is free!
Read our free white paper: How to Hire Comedians (printable copy)
Solar-powered comedysm: Our office is 100% powered (electricity & air conditioning) by renewable energy.
Read: Why You Should Have Comedy At Your Event
Stand-up comedy makes for a great, fun evening or afternoon you, your employees and your clients will love. Year after year. Studies show that happy employees are more productive.
Wharton-educated founder of The Ivy League of Comedysm Shaun Eli worked in marketing, corporate finance and portfolio & risk management for almost twenty years while building up his TV comedy writing and stand-up comedy credentials, so he should understand your business.
Most of the comics we work with have had professional careers prior to comedy- we’re former attorneys, engineers, architects, bankers, teachers, advertising executives. We can find the ideal comedians for your event, experts who understand your business.
What does a corporate comedian cost?
The cost varies depending on the comedian, the client, the location and the size of the audience. Shaun Eli is about the least-expensive skilled corporate comedian around. Locally for a small non-profit maybe $750, but for a large group, say a 250 person corporate sales conference that involves driving to, and an overnight stay, $5,000-$10,000 is a reasonable estimation for a comedian with a couple of television appearances. You may find someone to do it for $500 but you really do get what you pay for. Someone willing to work for $500 is someone moonlighting, not a full-time pro comedian. Note that it’s only a small fraction of comedians who can do a clean and corporate-appropriate half-hour to forty-five minutes.
You can’t compare comedians to musicians. There are a lot of very talented musicians and they could be pretty young because they started when they were six. And they may not be expensive- they can practice on weekends and keep in practice. Comedians start as adults and have to perform thousands, yes, THOUSANDS of times to be skilled enough to take on the challenge of performing in front of people who have probably spent the whole day listening to other people talk. The audience just ate a big dinner and they want to go home or to the bar or back to their hotel room. You want a comedian who knows how to deal with just about anything that can go wrong at a comedy performance without getting angry, picking on the audience or ignoring what went wrong. As an example, if someone drops a tray of food the audience loses focus and the comedian has to know how to get them back. Or someone at your event had too much to drink and won’t shut up. What works with hecklers in a comedy club may not be appropriate in a corporate setting. And there’s no bouncer to throw them out.
Read scientific studies about the health benefits of humor

People value experiences more than we value possessions. The pleasure we get from buying something new wears off very quickly but pleasurable experiences live on in our memory. A comedy show is a great, fun experience that your attendees will fondly remember for a long, long time!
We make them laugh… You get all the credit!sm
We work with a select group of hand-picked professional clean corporate comedians. Not hundreds and certainly not thousands- if somebody says they work with thousands of comedians how much do they really know about any of them? Are the comedians keeping their acts up-to-date? Have they lost their enthusiasm? The head of The Ivy League of Comedy is a stand-up comedian who works regularly with his comedian colleagues and appears along with them at most of our shows. He knows how to structure a line-up, whose material works best with, or conflicts with, or overlaps with, who else’s. You don’t get that personal level of detail working with a big generalist agency. You may not even get to speak to the same person twice. With The Ivy League of Comedy Shaun Eli is the only person who answers the phone and the only person selecting comedians. And he’s been doing this for almost two decades.

From four different Tonight Show hosts to patients & their families at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to international banks and top law firms to embassies and even the U.S. Army War College— they’ve all loved our clean comedians! And so will you and your clients, customers & guests.
More than just a clean comedy show, The Ivy League of Comedysm offers several features not available anywhere else. You can even bring our corporate comedy classes to your business.
Can you write custom material for our group?
We can and often do, but it’s really not necessary. Most of us have at least a little material that can be adapted. If we open with a joke or two about your company, your products, your industry, or office life in general, and then towards the end we do another joke or two on the same topic, the audience will think the whole show was about them. If you do want specific topics covered you need to give us enough notice to create new material. Real comedians write their own material- there’s not some master joke book we peruse to find jokes about various topics.
Can you do an R rated type show for us?
We can but we won’t. Our instructions to comedians are clear: Our Shows Are Clean. We’ve been at other people’s shows (not ours) where a comedian has asked the audience “We’re all adults, okay if I get a little dirty?” Nobody in the audience is going to single themselves out by saying no. Some people think dirty jokes are funnier (they’re not, they’re just dirtier) and they’ll be enthusiastic. After the show the comedian will make excuses: “Well, I felt out the audience by getting edgier and they were fine. I even asked them and they said it was okay.” Our instructions to them are clear- Do Not Do That. Even if the person seemingly in charge says it’s okay. It’s not.
We pride ourselves on our professionalism, creativity and originality, not on making fun of your company or CEO. Will we make fun of your CEO if you ask me to? No. We think that’s a bad idea. Unless he or she specifically asks us to, privately, we shy away from that. Very few people actually enjoy being made fun of. If he or she wants to do something to seem more relatable we can write a few quick and funny self-deprecating remarks for him/her instead.
Call or text us at (914) it’s-funny (914) 487-3866 or write for information on how The Ivy League of Comedysm can help you strengthen your bonds with your clients, enhance your special event and use entertainment to add more fun to your organization.
Invest in your Happiness. Have a comedy show!sm
More information and FAQs on corporate conference entertainment
For a live or virtual event or meeting you can have an affordable pro comedian perform for, and interact with, your group, call, text, write or email for details- advice isn’t inexpensive; it’s free!
Let’s get started. For more information, or to reserve a date, call, text or email:
Shaun Eli Breidbart
Comedian & Executive Director
The Ivy League of Comedysm
Liberty Comedy Corp.
Call or text us at (914) it’s-funny (914) 487-3866
Email Shaun {at} TheIvyLeagueofComedy {dot} com